
Swimming Pool Weep Holes

Customers are so excited to finally get shotcrete in their pool and then the next day they'll call us and say, "Hey, what's with the holes in the bottom of our pool?" So the gun at our shotcrete company will purposefully poke holes in the bottom of the pool so that any hydrostatic pressure, which is water trapped underneath the pool, has a place to go. It sounds crazy, but even though this concrete shell weighs about 250,000 pounds, the pressure of the water can actually lift this entire thing right out of the ground. These pools have popped up out of the ground because they didn't have these weep holes, or these weep holes had already been filled. So it's perfectly normal for water to come up through the weep holes.

So at the end of the construction process, the plaster crew is actually going to fill in these holes as they're doing plaster. And so the weight of the water will actually hold down any pressure that's being built up underneath. Plaster itself in those circles will actually remain dark for a couple of weeks until the plaster cures, and that's just because it's a little bit thicker and has more time to dry.

For areas that have a lot of water pressure built up, we can actually install a hydrostatic drain. So if the water pressure gets to a certain level, it will actually escape up into the pool, and then that water would be filtered through the pump and the pool filter.

So that does it for this episode, and we'll see you next time on the MedHawk Minute.


Swimming Pool Plaster Day 1 / Episode 7


Swimming Pool Shotcrete